Join Our Club

Due to COVID-19 our club will be providing additional safety measures in accordance with state and local guidelines as well as health recommendations provided by the CDC. 

All players must register and attend at least one tryout to be considered for a team. If, you or your child would like to try out for our club, please email the club for more information.



  • Tuesday: October 27th, November 3rd, November, 10th
  • Thursday: October 27th, November 3rd, November, 10th


  • Bethesda ES (700 Arlington Rd, Bethesda MD 20814)


  • 4:45pm to 6:15pm

Tryout Information

Field Location: Bethesda ES (700 Arlington Rd, Bethesda MD 20814)

Every year International FC holds tryouts. Our goal is to properly place all interested players within the player pool onto teams that best serve their ability, long term individual development, and their assigned team. With access for both Boys and Girls to prominent leagues such as EDP for our players. Mid-season evaluation & player movement within the club helps facilitate players who display significant growth during the year. 

Financial assistance is potentially available for those who qualify.

  • Please see the tryout schedule on this page for age groups, coaches, dates, times and locations.
  • Please check the website immediately before leaving for tryouts in case of inclement weather or field changes.
  • Weather cancellations will first go through our social media accounts.
  • Players should plan on arriving at least 15 minutes before their scheduled tryout time to check-in and warm-up.
  • If you cannot make any of the dates, please contact the coach to arrange another date to tryout during regular team training nights.
Why do we have tryouts?

We have official tryouts each year as all premier travel clubs do towards the end of each spring season and end of fall season. Our goal is to give each team the opportunity to select new players who will have a positive impact on their teams.

What should I bring to tryouts?
  • Red & White Shirt
  • Soccer Ball
  • Shin Guards
  • Labeled Water Bottle
How will teams be selected?
All players will tryout together in their respective age group. Teams will be tiered with nomenclature as follows with corresponding playing levels, commitment, and expectations. Head age-group coaches will make final decisions after consulting with the other coaches in the age group, coaches assisting in the tryout process, and the Directors of Coaching. Offers will be made on a rolling basis after the 1st tryout. If you have not heard anything after 5 days after the 2nd tryout, please reach out to the respective age group coach and Technical Director.
Who should I contact with questions?
If you missed the formal tryout dates and are interested in joining International Futbol Club, please contact the Technical Director and/or appropriate coach for your age group and you will be invited to a training session.