
International FC COVID-19 Plan

The COVID-19 pandemic has presented many challenges for soccer in Maryland. The following resources presented below may help in learning more about the pandemic and ways that you can continue to protect yourself and others.

General Guidelines
All participants (coaches and players) must complete Pre-Screening before each practice and each game.

  • Prior to attending any training event, each player should have his or her temperature checked and refrain from participation if he or she has a fever (≥100.4 degrees F). (see checklist below)
  • Anyone who self-reports a temperature of 100.4 or more should be sent home and not allowed to participate for a minimum of 14 days
  • If a player/coach thinks they are sick, stay home! Specifically: symptoms of acute respiratory disease (i.e. cough, sore throat, shortness of breath), fever, sudden loss of smell or taste, OR been diagnosed with COVID-19. If a coach, administrator, or official has a concern about a player’s health, they have the authority to send the player home.
  1. Coaches, must keep attendance via Coach Adjoint
  2. Assign a Station or Designated Space for each player for their equipment and where they will take water breaks and the like. Follow social distancing guidelines (6 feet apart) for Station spacing.
  3. No one is to share water, towels, or any personal equipment.
  4. Only the coach may handle cones, disks, et al.
  5. Players are to quarantine for 14 days if they are traveling back from one of the following Hot States:
  • If a player does test negative before the 14 days of Quarantine, they still must quarantine for the full 14 days before they can participate in a IFC training event.
PHASE I: Small Group Training (groups of 10 or less)
  1. A maximum of two coaches/staff will be allowed per half field during practices (head, assistant and GK coaches included)
  2. No more than 9 players to be present at a scheduled time (total group size of 10 or less)
  3. No physical contact should occur
  4. Groups on a half field should not exceed 10 people
  5. Players must socially distance at 6 feet apart
  6. No sharing of water or equipment including soccer balls
  7. Each player and coach should sanitize all gear between each training session
  8. Participants are to remain a minimum of 10 feet apart during drop off
  9. No spectators are allowed
  10. Training groups (players & coaches) will not be allowed to cross-pollinate
  11. Practice times will be set to allow for social and/or physical distancing between practices.

** Anytime players are not active they should immediately put their masks back on (walking to/from the field, resting between exercises)

PHASE II: Team Training

1. A maximum of 3 coaches/staff allowed per half field during practices (head and assistant coaches

          • If your team does not have a second coach, a volunteer parent is recommended to assist with maintaining these guidelines, particularly with younger age group teams

      2. Only two coaches allowed for training/practices, per team

      3. Physical contact that is necessary for training may occur, but, whenever possible it should be limited. This includes limiting close group discussions, no ‘high fives’, no embracing, etc.

      4. No sharing of water or equipment. Soccer balls are excluded

    • All soccer balls should be sanitized before the next practice/scrimmage game
    • Only the coach may handle cones

5. A maximum of 3 coaches/staff allowed per half field during practices (head and assistant coaches

    • **Designated areas for each attendee’s gear should be clearly marked off the field
  • 6. Spectators are NOT allowed

    7. Players can be assigned a bib by their coach to clean and manage. It is the player’s and parent’s responsibility to make sure the bib is kept clean.


Anytime players are not active they should immediately put their masks back on (walking to/from the field, resting between exercises)

Coach Responsibilites
  • Ensure the health and safety of the Athletes.
  • Inquire and monitor how the athletes are feeling. Send them home if you believe they act or look ill.
  • Follow all state and local health protocols.
  • Ensure all athletes have their individual equipment (ball, water, bag etc.)
  • Coach is the only person to handle cones, disk etc.
  • All training is outdoors, with proper social distancing per state or local health guidelines.
  • Always wear a face mask when not actively coaching.  Maintain social distance requirements from players based on state and local health requirements.
  • Have fun, stay positive – players and parents are looking to you to stay calm, supportive, and caring during this time.
  • The use of scrimmage vest or pinnies is not recommended at this time.
Players Responsibilites
  • If you are not comfortable with returning to play, DO NOT.
  • Take temperature daily, or with the assistance of a parent.
    • 1. Wash hands thoroughly before and after training.
    • Bring hand sanitizer with you to every training and USE IT.
      • 1. Wear a mask before and immediately after all training sessions.
        2. Do not touch or share anyone else’s equipment, water, snack, bag, or ball.
        3. Practice social distancing.  Place bags and equipment at least 6 feet apart at Designated Stations.

          • Wash and sanitize all equipment before and after every training.
            • 1. No group celebrations, no high 5’s, hugs, handshakes etc.
          • Anytime players are not active they should immediately put their masks back on (walking to/from the field, resting between exercises)
    Player & Coach Checklist
    1. A maximum of two coaches/staff will be allowed per half field during practices (head, assistant and GK coaches included)
    2. No more than 9 players to be present at a scheduled time (total group size of 10 or less)
    3. No physical contact should occur
    4. Groups on a half field should not exceed 10 people
    5. Players must socially distance at 6 feet apart
    6. No sharing of water or equipment including soccer balls
    7. Each player and coach should sanitize all gear between each training session
    8. Participants are to remain a minimum of 10 feet apart during drop off
    9. No spectators are allowed
    10. Training groups (players & coaches) will not be allowed to cross-pollinate
    11. Practice times will be set to allow for social and/or physical distancing between practices.

    ** Anytime players are not active they should immediately put their masks back on (walking to/from the field, resting between exercises)

    Staying Home when Appropriate
    Educate staff and player families about when they should stay home and when they can return to activity

    General Hygiene Practices
    The following practices should be reinforced within your soccer organization and community to mitigate transmission of any communicable disease.

    • Avoid touching your face.
    • Frequently wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
    • Cover mouth and nose (with arm or elbow, not hands) when coughing or sneezing and wash hands afterward.
    • Wear a face mask or covering when outside if you have any symptoms of upper respiratory infection.
    • Frequently clean commonly used surfaces (doorknobs, for example) with an antiseptic cleanser.
    • Avoid contact with other individuals (shaking hands, for example).
    • Maintain a distance of 6 feet between you and others.
    • Stay home if you feel sick and contact your health care provider.
    Return to Play FAQ

    Symptoms that may appear 2-14 days after exposure:

    • Cough
    • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
    • Fever

    Or at least two of the following:

    • Chills
    • Repeated shaking with chills
    • Muscle pain
    • Headache
    • Sore throat
    • New loss of taste or small

      • DO NOT participate in any soccer or team activities if experiencing symptoms, precaution is most important. Immediately inform club administrator and consult your primary doctor.


      • Immediately inform club administrator of your case, and refrain from soccer or team activities for a minimum of 14 days. Individuals may not return to play until cleared by their primary care doctor.
    Team: Trainings
        • No physical contact should occur outside of what is necessary for training / games
        • This includes limiting close group discussions, no ‘high fives’, no embracing etc.

        2. Participants are to remain 6 feet apart off the field and at their Stations
        3. Designated areas for each attendee’s gear should be clearly marked off the field
        4. No sharing of water or equipment. Soccer balls are excluded

          • All soccer balls should be sanitized before next practice/scrimmage/game
          • If possible, soccer balls should be sanitized at halftime and whenever convenient/possible during training
          • Only the coach may handle cones
          5. No Spectators are allowed at training sessions